We've been researching ways to help our members become more successful with their commitment to live a healthier life. This will greatly increase their chances of reaching their goals.
Article Summary:
Click here to read entire article: The Truth about Losing Weight and Toning
This article explains how weight loss and toning works.
There are a number of variables that affect your ability to lose weight and tone up. These include:
· Understanding how metabolism works
· Eating the right types of foods
· Burning more calories than you consume
· Maximizing your caloric burn with cardio exercise
· Getting enough sleep
· Eating breakfast
· Building up your muscle mass through resistance training
This article explains these variables in-depth and busts the myth of “The Fat Burning Zone,” which doesn’t exist.
There are certain types of cardio exercise that increases your ability to burn more calories than others. We explain exactly how you can accomplish the maximum caloric burn during exercise.
Personal trainers use a progressive model of training that was designed to accommodate a society that has changed drastically since the traditional style of training was learned. Since our society now has more postural imbalances and injuries than ever before due to sedentary lifestyles and jobs with repetitive motions, this type of training is absolutely necessary.
To change your body composition and continue to get results, you have to beat the Principle of Specificity (which is that your body will adapt to the demands placed on it). To do this, you start with balance and stabilization exercises to strengthen the tissues that connect your muscles to bones. Only after you have successfully completed this stage can you safely move on to traditional strength exercises. Our trainers will explain how this works and take you through every step of the process.
Click here to read entire article: The Truth about Losing Weight and Toning