Saturday, September 17, 2011

Recording Your Progress, To Insure It...

I talk a lot about "required" tools of the trade when it comes to getting healthy and getting fit.  This ranges from stop watches to heart rate monitors to personal trainers but far and away the single most effective tool you can use in your fitness program is a pen and a pad.  A simple notebook, a computer printout or even just a word document on your laptop.  If you are writing down what you are doing you will be able to see what has worked, what hasn't, what you haven't done (or done consistently) and, perhaps most importantly for many, you will also be able to see what you've actually accomplished.  Along with this comes another tremendous lesson that can be taken from having a "training log"... being able to see what you have not accomplished.  Have you gotten stronger or not?  Have you gotten faster or not?  Are you improving your work capacity - doing more work in a shorter period of time - or not?  Are you lighter, leaner, smaller, more "toned" or not?

That's the bottom line, isn't it?  Getting what you came for... So why leave it up to chance?  Take away all doubt and begin to record your workouts (and other activities and even food intake) in a training log.

There is one side-effect to this practice.  You'll find yourself unable to repeat the same boring old workout over and over again... because you'll write it down over and over again and actually see this less-than-desirable trend.

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